let's go back: it was thursday morning and we were finishing up a pin pile project at work. while on-site i phoned in to check the lotto numbers from the night before. i got 3 out of 6, which means $3 fer me, BITCHIN'! work got done around noon and i took the rest of the day off to fish and run errands. after eating a pretty good burrito from one of the taco trucks in white center, i went to lincoln park in west seattle and hoofed it down the hill to get to the beach. i spent a few minutes taking off some beat up line and re-tying my buzzbomb and started fishin'. after a few casts at this pretty busy beach i got a good hit, set the hook, and holy shit, FISH ON! it was a pretty good fight, probably took a few minutes. there were several times that i was concerned that the 8 lb. test was gonna snap and the line was screaming pretty good when the fish would run. landed her (yup, it was a lady fish), bonked her on the head, and gutted her. that night i grilled it up and mike, tony, and jeff came over and hung out. neat. oh yeah, it was a pink salmon (aka a humpy), 21" and probably 3 or 4 pounds.
semi-crowed beach on a weekday at 1:00pm
this gives you slimy smelly hands
last sunday jonny, jeff and i fished a beach up by the ferry terminal at mukilteo. we got 5 more pinks. jonny 1, me 1, and jeff 3. it was pretty funny because none of us are really 'seasoned' fishermen, but we showed up and started slaying 'em. some other dudes at the beach moved a little closer to spy on our rigs 'n such cuz they weren't so lucky. pretty funny. my salmon had a giant gash in the side, probably from a boat prop or a sea lion, i let it go. jeff gave me his fish and i smoked them on monday. damn they taste good. it's pretty rad fishing with 2 people that don't like to eat fish! fills the freezer a little faster, eh?
ain't eating that crap
see them smiling? apparently catching fish cures hangovers!
ghetto smoker. works dandy.