snowman is fast. a-man broke his wrist 3 months ago and hasn't been exercising much, he is still pretty fast. i'm a little less fast than them. not too many people on the trail and we had the whole lake to ourselves, pretty sweet and very rare. had a nice dinner, drank some whiskey, swatted at bugs, and jammed out to some johnny cash played on snowman's cellphone. brought fishin poles but never bothered fishin.
hike out today was hot and there were lots of hosers on the trail. it was hot, 95 degrees in seattle today. there were definitely times during this trip that i was hurting with chest pains, blisters, mega sweat, etc. but now that i'm back home i wish i was back in the mountains. uber nice having this stuff so close to the city!
oh, i found another mylar balloon. on every backpacking trip i've been on in the last few years i have found a mylar balloon. balloons go to heaven in the mountains.
shortly after the 1985 ASTRO got us to the trailhead
snowman. his fising pole died on this trip. RIP.
mason lake. rumor is they 'treated' this lake to kill the fish. wtf? greenie hippies boil the blood.
trail, don't go left
hoodlum or artist?
rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey, bourbon too
TRON was smart enough to bring flip flops, i was not.
view from camp. thompson lake is pretty big for a mtn. lake. pic doesn't do justice.
camp. no tent sharing here.
where the trees at?
"yeah i've been cooking a bit too. i've been experimenting with melting cheese on different shit."
p.s. found one boletus mirabilis when i was pooping this morning. (it's a mushroom.)
twas kinda hot.
rad camping party dudes
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