Sunday, June 5, 2011


it's been a while. recap: went to oregon for a week of snowboarding & snowmobiling, san diego for memorial weekend, found some morels, work has been sending to neat places like walla walla and winthrop, i like to pull weeds in the yard when it's not raining.

we got to see this piece of art while in encinitas. i heard the NPR spot about it a month before heading to california. it was fun to dodge cars trying to get photos.

boat art

rode bikes from ballard to bainbridge to skate yesterday. it was a going away party for winkleman. dj sets at public skateparks are rad!


snowone said...

busy is, as busy does... keep running! you're ripping!

Tom Xteam said...

Thanks for bike ride idea. It twas a grand adventure. Great way to kick off summer.